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Geosciences Department

Student doing fieldwork in a lab

学生的研究 at Skidmore

We encourage you, as a geoscience student, to conduct your own original 研究. This experience will allow you to put your skills to use, advance the fields of geoscience, and learn more than you thought you ever could. Most importantly, 研究 will allow you to get involved in professional geological societies and start networking for a job or graduate school.

Independent 研究 allows you to

  • design your own 研究 project
  • conduct your own fieldwork
  • analyze your own data
  • present your findings at regional or national geological conferences, Academic Festival, 以及其他场所.

Getting started is the easy part.

  1. Find an aspect of geoscience that interests you.
  2. Find a faculty member who has a similar interest.
  3. Go talk to that person about doing 研究.


The Mente et Malleo Research Grant was established to provide funding for undergraduate 研究 for Skidmore geosciences. This is a competitive award and is based on the merits of your 研究 proposal. The proposal deadline, including a detailed budget, is 4月15日, so start thinking about your 研究 early in your junior year, or before!

Guidelines and Examples

通读全文 guidelines for writing 研究 proposals and 研究 papers before you start to write your 研究 proposals and 研究 papers.

These examples are of the quality that the department expects.

A couple of hints as you start the proposal process: Read the literature for context and start writing early. From experience, a comprehensive proposal makes for high-quality 研究.

Recent Research Projects (since 2003)

Many of these were presented at National or Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of 美国 meetings. Many of the others were presented at Academic Festival or at other conferences such as the Vermont Geological Society meeting.


  • Ben Freiberg ' 16: A fallout radionuclide reference inventory and soil profile for 萨拉托加温泉市, NY
  • Melanie Feen ' 16: Net community production from autonomous oxygen observations in the Sargasso Sea
  • 艾玛·麦卡利16岁: Measuring hydrothermal plume particles with optical backscattering sensors: preliminary tests of a new method
  • Matt Kilgore ‘16: Dacryoconarid biostratigraphy of the Middle Devonian Bakoven Shale of Eastern New York State
  • Melanie Feen ' 16: Calibrating a new method for measuring ocean carbon fluxes in the presence of high-silicate phytoplankton blooms


  • 凯特ie Kuklewicz ‘15: Principal Component and Time Series Analysis of a Geochemical Record from Yucatan, 墨西哥 (毕业论文)
  • 萨拉·特纳15岁: Seasonal Fluorescence Cycles in a Yucatan Stalagmite: A 1,000 Year Record (毕业论文)


  • Maryann Countrymann '13 A Stalagmite Snapshot of Tropical Climate Variability During the Last Ice Age: Preliminary YAX-1的结果  


  • Logan Brenner ‘12, Jamie Potter, Anastasia Rodzianko ‘12, and Angus Welch ‘13 A new varve record from 萨拉托加温泉市, NY of climate variability during the Deglaciation from northern Glacial Lake Albany.
  • Mary Brill ‘15, Tessa Leverone, Caroline Loehr ‘12, and Aurora Pinkey-Drobnis ’12, New varve records of climate variability during the Deglaciation from southern Glacial 湖Warrensburg.  
  • Logan Brenner '12 A Tale of Two Interglacials: A Stalagmite Stable Isotope Record of Climate in Yucatán, 墨西哥 Since 128,000 YBP (Poster presented at AGU)
  • Aurora Pinkey-Drobnis '12 日历-year dating of pre-historic hurricanes in Yucatan, 墨西哥 using fluorescence micro-imaging of an annually-layered stalagmite
  • Alena Chubet, 12岁 Reanalysis of a Stalagmite from Belize:  An Isotopic Correlation or Deviation?  
  • Kaylyn Oates (Smith College), Aurora Pinkey-Drobnis, Jonathan Reeves ’12 (Skidmore College), Thomas M  Wilson, and Darren M Gravley (U. 坎特伯雷). GETTING THE MESSAGE RIGHT: A MEASURE OF HOW WELL THE MEDIA EDUCATED THE PUBLIC ON GEOSCIENCE DURING THE 2010 -2011 EARTHQUAKE SEQUENCE IN CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND. Geological Society of 美国 Abstracts with Programs,卷. 43, No. 5, p. 76.  Poster presented at 2011 GSA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis.
  • Lendra Cooper ‘12– Dacryoconarid species and biozones in the Emsian (Lower Devonian) Esopus and Schoharie equivalents at Mapleton, PA.
  • Logan Brenner ‘12 – Description and systematic placement of a new Dacryoconarid species and genus in the lower Genesee Group astride the Middle/Upper (Giventian/Frasnian) boundary at Alden, NY.
  • Mike Gallant ' 12 Analysis of the Tekoa Tuff in Island Hills, New Zealand. (Poster presented at GSA)


  • 奥德丽·朗斯基11岁 2300-year stalagmite from Yucatán, 墨西哥: 1500-2007 C.E.


  • Melissa Ng, GE ’08: The Local and Regional Surface Hydrology of the Kayaderosseras 溪流域.
  • Kimberly Rich, GE ’08: Modeling of Eolian Sediment Transport in the Namib Sand Sea Using in-situ 10Be and 26Al
  • Jeff Narva, GE ’08: Identification of Riparian Buffer Zones in the Kayaderosseras 溪流域 Using GIS


  • Thomas Arnold, GE ’07: Beavers or the railroad: What caused the largest flash flood in 萨拉托加温泉市,纽约, in over a century?
  • Allison Stafford, ES ’07: Factors affecting precipitation and baseflow in two small 成对的盆地.


  • Erin Black, GE '06, Turbidity of the Kayaderosseras Creek watershed (poster presented at NEGSA)
  • Megan Chadwick, GE '06,– Buffers on the Battenkill: Maping Riparian Zones Using GIS (poster presented at NEGSA)
  • Michael Cleveland, GE '06, Long-term erosion rates of the Grand Canyon using 10Be
  • Michael Cleveland, Erin Black, Cecily D'Esopo, Doug Donovan, in-depth knowledge (based on 378 well logs) of Kayaderosseras Creek surficial sediments.
  • Davin Lyons, GE '06, Holocene climate change of Keuka Lake, Finger Lakes region, based on sediment cores (poster presented at NEGSA)
  • Doug Herbst, GE '06, Deformation analysis of impact craters on Terra Cimmeria: Looking at evidence for the origin of magnetic lineaments on Mars
  • Doug Herbst, Davin Lyons, Cortlandt Toczylowski, Cathrine Bronson, Noella Schink, Hadlock Pond Dam Failure: Reconstruction of peak discharge and comparision to regional 洪水频率(poster presented at NEGSA)
  • Lauren Marder '06, Deltaic systems of the Mississippi and Nile Rivers: A comparative analysis of the geologic evolution and impacts of socio-economic development
  • Aaron Kamholtz '06, A statistical study of extratropical cyclones north of 38 degrees latitude from 1974–2004


  • Derek Eaton, GE '05, Initiation and Growth Processes of the Miller Brook Gully, Stowe, Vt. (poster presented at NEGSA)
  • Daniel Feuer, GE '05, GIS Analysis of Tributary Basin Characteristics in the Upper Colorado River Basin
  • Luca Peppe, GE '05, Bedrock Depth Study of the Kayaderosseras Valley and a Reinterpretation of the Deglacial History
  • Veronica Russell , GE '05, Using 10 Be to Discover the History of the Goldstone Piedmont at Fort Irwin, Mojave Desert, California
  • Conor Taft '05, Kayaderosseras Creek watershed GIS Database


  • 罗宾 Wiles-Skeels , ES '04, Evaluating the Effect of Land Use on Peak Discharge and Runoff in the Saratoga Lake Watershed (poster presented at National GSA meeting)
  • 凯特rina Smith, GE '04, Paired Watershed Study of the East Branch Kayaderosseras and Sturdevant Creek near South Corinth,纽约 (poster presented at NEGSA)
  • 威廉R. Foniri, GE '04, Using In Situ-Produced Cosmogenic 10 Be to Determine Surface History of the Kofa Mountain Piedmont, Yuma, AZ (project is part of GSA Today manuscript)
  • Christina Schull, '04, Loughberry Lake water quality study
  • Margaret Bailey '04, Scientific Illustration


  • David O'Connor GE '03, Testing the Energy Budget Snowmelt Equation at Potash Mountain ,纽约.