


的 best resource for APA style is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,第六版. You'll find this resource on reserve in the library and in many faculty 办公室. What we will attempt here is not a substitute for the manual, but an abridgement 和补充. If you anticipate a career in psychology, you may want to purchase your own copy of this useful resource.

At the outset, we need to make an important distinction between the submitted APA-style paper and the published APA-style paper. If you've read a number of psychology journals, you're likely already familiar with the style in which articles are produced within 这些期刊. However, those papers looked a lot different as they were submitted 致期刊. For your courses, particularly PS 306, you will write your papers using the style required by the APA for submitted papers.

A typical APA-style paper is divided into a number of sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References, 表格及图表. 尽管这是 typical order in which the sections appear, that is not the order in which one would 通常是写章节. Although your preference may differ, an order that makes a lot of sense is: Method, Results, Introduction/Discussion, Title/Abstract, References, 表格及图表. 这里是逻辑.

  • As soon as your study is designed--even before the first piece of data is collected--you have sufficient information to write the Method section. 写作中最难的部分 project is getting started, so if you've got a written Method section, you're well 在你的路上.

  • Once the data are collected and analyzed, you're ready to write the Results section.

  • At that point you've got a clear sense of the way your study turned out. 你知道 if the results fit with your prior thinking, etc. 这意味着你可以写出 Introduction and Discussion sections with a clear sense of what you need to highlight (e.g., in terms of background readings, the logic underlying your design) and what you need to clarify to help the reader to understand the results of the study. 等待 to write the Introduction and Discussion until you've analyzed your data may make you look prescient, but doing so ensures that you'll be in the best position to lead your reader through the results and their implications.

  • Writing good titles and 摘要s is an art, and you'll profit from the time spent on the rest of the paper before tackling these two crucial parts of your paper. 的 reason these two parts are so crucial is that for many people that's all that they 我能看到你的工作吗. If you've written a clear and intriguing title and 摘要, you may well influence a colleague to read your work when he or she may not have ordinarily 我倾向于这样做. [Hint: To practice writing good 摘要s, read a paper 没有 阅读摘要. 的n write your own 摘要 and compare it to the published 摘要. 哪个更好?? If you don't think that yours is better, then repeat the process until you feel that you've gotten the hang of it.]

  • Unless you're using some referencing software (e.g. EndNote),您就保存了 最坏的结局. Even for a short paper, typing in the reference page and ensuring that you've included every reference made in the text of the paper is a pain in the 脖子. Nonetheless, it is essential and no real shortcut is available (except referencing 软件).

  • From the early stages of your analyses, you'll have rough tables and figures from 你将在哪个部门工作. However, prior to submitting a paper, you'll need to put those tables and figures into pristine form (to ensure that they look good in the 最终出版版本). This task is another that one typically leaves for the end 写作项目的.

A number of people have developed tools to aid you in writing according to the APA style. However, with the recent change to the 6th edition of the manual, some of these 资源 are likely to be a bit out of date. 以下是一些可能的联系:

Here are some links specific to APA-style referencing:

With the advent of the web has come the need to develop referencing styles for such 资源. Some of the above links address electronic citations, but the ones below 特定于web资源: