

IG 201 Intergroup/Intragroup Race Dialogues 2

In intergroup/intragroup race dialogue, students learn about racial identity, conflict, community, and social justice in the United States. Trained peer-facilitators encourage dialogue about controversial social issues, such as affirmative action, immigration reform, and interracial 的关系 in a small classroom setting within the context of the relevant racial identity group(s) (see list below). Working together with their peer-facilitators, student participants explore similarities and differences among and across groups and strive toward building a multicultural and democratic community. 先决条件: Permission of the instructor.

  1. People of Color/White People
  2. 多种族身份
  3. 白人种族认同

SO 219C Race and Power 4

U的分析.S. 种族关系. How do people learn what it means to be “black” 或“白色”在美国.S. 社会? How will the changing demographics of the U.S. 影响 the traditional black-white approach to 种族关系? How is race complicated by ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and other social identities? 学生探索 these questions by examining how race is constructed and reproduced within hierarchical structures of power and privilege, including educational inequalities, immigration policies, interracial 的关系, and depictions of race in popular culture. 先决条件: One sociology gateway course (SO 101 or SO 201 or SO 202 or SO 203 or SO 204), and permission of instructor. (Designated a Cultural Diversity course.)

SO 361 Racial Identities: Theory and Praxis 4

An integration of sociological theory and praxis in a seminar that prepares students to facilitate dialogues on race. What factors hinder meaningful discourse about race? What skills promote interracial communication? How can we learn to engage more effectively in dialogue about race, power, and privilege in the United States? 通过阅读 in racial identity theory, reflective and analytic writing, and experiential practice of dialogic communication skills, students learn to facilitate dialogues on controversial race-related topics, such as affirmative action, immigration reform, and interracial 的关系. 先决条件: Grade of B or better in SO 219C and permission of the instructor.

IG 361 Racial Identities: Theory and Praxis 4

An integration of sociological theory and praxis in a seminar that prepares students to facilitate dialogues on race. What factors hinder meaningful discourse about race? What skills promote interracial communication? How can we learn to engage more effectively in dialogue about race, power, and privilege in the United States? 通过阅读 in racial identity theory, reflective and analytic writing, and experiential practice of dialogic communication skills, students learn to facilitate dialogues on controversial race-related topics, such as affirmative action, immigration reform, and interracial 的关系. 先决条件: Grade of B or better in SO 219C and permission of the instructor.

NOTE: IG 361 is identical to SO 361 except that it is not taught by sociology faculty.

IG 364 Practicum in Facilitating 3

A course that helps students develop and improve their skills as dialogue facilitators. This will be done in the context of the belief that facilitation skills can be used throughout life to create social change. Good facilitators are social change agents. Moreover, by debriefing their actual dialogue experiences, facilitators can deepen their learning about racial identity, discrimination, privilege, and social justice. Must be taken concurrently with IG 365. 先决条件: Grade of B or better in IG 361 and permission of the instructor.

IG 365 Dialogue Facilitation 2

An intergroup or intragroup dialogue course in which students facilitate dialogues about racial identity, conflict, community, and social justice. Must be taken concurrently IG 364 先决条件: Grade of B or better in IG 361 and permission of the instructor.