


Below are the departmental learning goals mapped to College-wide goals for student learning.

Goals and Expectations for the 英语 Major (IVa,b,c,d)*

*Our belief is that the 工作 of transformation (IV) can occur at all levels of our curriculum, facilitated by each one of the demarcated goals and expectations that 遵循这. Thus, this document begins (above) by foregrounding this mapped connection.

EN 105

In this one-semester course, students will be introduced to the following learning objectives to begin their development as college writers. Mastery of these skills, however, is a lifelong process that continues beyond our one-class requirement. 通过 the practice of writing and engagement with course themes, students will learn how to

  • Compose essays that are organized to support a strong thesis.
  • Integrate various types of appropriate evidence to frame or support a discussion, 主张或论证.
  • Read prose critically and carefully—their own as well as that of classmates—and offer constructive criticism about the choices authors make.
  • Develop a range of effective, flexible, and individual techniques to draft, edit, 修改课文.
  • Write and revise sentences with particular attention to grammar and style.
  • 应用 lessons about writing to academic questions and real-world situations beyond 教室里.

EN 110 

Students should begin to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Frame questions about how we read and write within the discipline of literary studies. (活动花絮Ia)
  • Read closely and to attend to the complexity of language. (活动花絮,IIb)
  • Formulate questions about an author’s formal choices and draw inferences from patterns (of language, verse, imagery). (Ib, IIa, IIb)
  • Craft and support a thesis. (活动花絮,IIc)
  • Recognize historical and cultural contexts and their bearing on literary meanings. (Ib, IId, IIIb)
  • Engage with secondary readings pertinent to the texts and questions of the course. (IIb IIIc)
  • Advance class conversation through active listening and appropriately informed contributions. (国际教育协会,IIIc)


  • The conventions of specific genres. IIb (Ia)
  • 文学术语. IIb (Ia)
  • Critical perspectives, methods, and theories. (Ia, Ic, IIb, 可能IIId)
  • The conventions of written literary analysis and documentation. IIb (Ic)
  • Periods of literary history. (Ib, IIb, IIIa, IIIb)
  • 图书馆资源. (Ic, IIb, IIIc)


In addition to developing greater sophistication in the goals listed at the 100 level, students in literature courses should demonstrate the ability to:

  • Situate a text in relation to forms/genres/literary periods. (Ib, IIa, IIIb)
  • Read against a text, that is, to question its ideological or social assumptions. (活动花絮, iii a IIIc)
  • Define a topic independently. (活动花絮, IIe, possibly IIIa)
  • Engage the 工作 of other critics and scholars, both in class discussion and in written 工作. (活动花絮, IIc, 国际教育协会)
  • Carry out basic research appropriate to literary studies. (Ia, IIb,可能是IIId)

Students in creative writing courses should demonstrate the ability to:

  • Critique both professional writing and the 工作 of their peers in 工作shop settings. (活动花絮, IId, 国际教育协会)
  • Write fiction, poems, and essays that demonstrate fluency in the appropriate conventions. (活动花絮,IIc)


In addition to developing still greater sophistication in the goals listed at the 100 and 200 level, students in literature courses should demonstrate the ability to:

  • Read and interpret a 工作 of literature independently. (Ic, IIa, IIc)
  • Sustain a complex argument. (i, IIa, IIc, 国际教育协会)
  • Conduct research in support of a sustained analytical paper. (Ic, IIb, IIc)

Students in creative writing courses should demonstrate the ability to:

  • Write with technical sophistication in relation to formal conventions. (i, IIa, IIc, 国际教育协会)


Students in capstone courses will:

  • Take the initiative to plan and organize their projects. (i, IIa, IIb, IIc, IId, 国际教育协会)
  • Work independently to sustain projects through their various stages. 花絮(Ic)
  • Produce a major project that synthesizes and reflects back upon 工作 already completed 在专业上. (iii a IIIc)
  • Demonstrate awareness of the wider critical or artistic context that informs the project 完成. (Ib, IId, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, 可能IIId)
  • Participate in a community of other writers and artists whose 工作 they will be expected to critique in an engaged and constructive way. (IIIc IIId)


Our students develop facility with information as they move through the 100, 200, and 300 levels, a developmental arc that culminates with their capstone. 我们叙述 that arc of development thus: Students will be able to differentiate among various classification schemes, literary forms, and aesthetic categories; will develop the ability to evaluate the merit of secondary sources and incorporate sources in written 工作 and oral presentation; will be able to decipher scholarly arguments and enter the “conversation” among scholars on a select topic; will be able to create bibliographies and document properly; will be able to navigate the proliferation of “knowledge” in global and digital contexts. 这些是我们的学习 outcomes pertaining to information literacy, and various courses within our major introduce our students to these, or reinforce them and permit opportunities for practice; demonstration of mastery is expected at 出口级别(也就是. 顶石). (Ia, Ic, IIb, IIIc)


Our students develop facility with visual materials as they move through the 100, 200, and 300 levels, a developmental arc that culminates with their capstone. 我们叙述 that arc of development thus: Students will be able to close read visual objects in a range of media; will be able to analyze visual objects in relation to differences in medium; will be able to analyze the social and political means of visual objects; will be able to situate visual objects within cultural and historical frame工作s; will be able to understand the role that visual material plays in shaping the meanings 书面文本. 这些是我们的学习 outcomes pertaining to visual literacy, and various courses within our major introduce our students to these, or reinforce them and permit opportunities for practice; demonstration of mastery is expected at the 出口级别(即. 顶石). (Ia, Ib, IIb, IId, IIIc)


Our students develop facility with technology as they move through the 100, 200, and 300 levels, a developmental arc that culminates with their capstone. 我们来叙述一下 arc of development thus: Students will be able to use technology as an aid to research (navigating databases, digital archives, searchable texts, citation software); will be able to assess the credibility of online information; will be able to collaborate and communicate digitally (file-sharing systems, discussion forums, blogs); will be able to distinguish technologies of form (graphic narratives, hypertexts, history of print texts); will be able to manage their digital presence. 这些是我们的学习 outcomes pertaining to technology literacy, and various courses within our major introduce our students to these, or reinforce them and permit opportunities for practice; demonstration of mastery is expected at 出口级别(也就是. 顶石). (Ia, Ic, IIb, IIc, IIIc, 可能IIId) 


Our students develop facility with oral communication as they move through the 100, 200, and 300 levels, a developmental arc that culminates with their capstone. 我们叙述 that arc of development thus: Students will be able to make meaningful contributions to class discussions; will be able to hold discussions in smaller groups with minimal guidance of the instructor; will be able to prepare and deliver formal presentations; will be able to respond to questions about their 工作; will be able to recite portions 课堂上的课文. 这些是我们的学习 outcomes pertaining to oral communication, and various courses within our major introduce our students to these, or reinforce them and permit opportunities for practice; demonstration of mastery is expected at 出口级别(也就是. 顶石). (IIc, IId, IIIc, IIId)


As the 英语系, we identify written communication as the beating heart 我们所做的一切. We study the written communications of others, of one another, and we write a lot, requiring our students to 工作shop, to critique their writing, to revise, to polish their grammar and prose styles, and to develop their voices as writers of various kinds (critic, fictionist, nonfictionist, poet, and so forth). When our students aren’t writing themselves, they are studying the writing of others. (Ia, Ic, IIa, IIc, IIe, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIId — though every single College learning goal could be listed here)