

Ever get stuck trying to figure out what is so important on nutrition facts? 在这里 some general information on nutrients that might appear on a nutrition label and how 它们对你有益!

  •  卡路里——你身体运作所需的能量! 总的来说,你的身体很漂亮 attuned to letting you know when you are hungry and need more calories- do not stress 数的太多了. 担心解读你的身体暗示? 多喝水 and trust any hunger pangs that come from the stomach and below. 吃东西来感受身体 nourished –do not hesitate to eat when you feel truly hungry.

  • Fat- there are two main types that differ in their chemical structure.3Major sources of fats should only comprise about a third of our daily intake of food. Saturated and trans fat- the less favorable types that increase the amount of negative 血液中的胆固醇(LDL会堵塞血液).
    • Saturated fat intake should be limited while trans fat intake should be strongly avoided.2
    • Unsaturated- polyunsaturated and monounsaturated both decrease unhealthy LDL cholesterol while raising the amount of positive cholesterol (HDL which transports unneeded cholesterol 将肝脏从身体中取出).2 这些都是你想多吃的脂肪!

  • 膳食纤维-以两种形式调节消化系统:
    • Soluble fiber slows the movement of nutrients in the small intestines to optimize nutrient absorption which helps to regulate blood sugar levels and the proper functioning 消化系统.9
    • Insoluble fiber regulates bowel movements and decreases the risk for colon cancer by reducing the amount of time that carcinogenic wastes are in the colon.9
    • 成人每日纤维的推荐摄入量为21-38克.2
  • 糖——一种提供能量的碳水化合物.3 Natural sugars in fruits provide more nutritional benefit than refined sugars that come in the form of high fructose corn syrup or added sugars.8 Unnatural sugars should be limited to approximately 36- 56 grams daily. 记住 that the more active you are, the higher your need is for carbohydrates such as sugars.1

  • 构成身体的蛋白质-氨基酸链.3 Recommended daily intake varies between individuals depending on their size; one 每20磅体重需要7克蛋白质.2

  • Cholesterol- a form of fat needed by the body to create hormones, enzymes and maintain 细胞和神经系统.3 成人每日摄入量不应超过300毫克.1

  • Sodium- helps to balance out pressure on the cells of the body.3 Recommended daily intake for adults is less than 2,300 milligrams daily. 一个低钠 食物的含量低于140毫克.1

  • Vitamin A- an anti-oxidant vitamin needed for healthy vision, skin and internal organs. 3 Recommended daily intake is 2333 IU for women and 3000 IU for men.7

  • 维生素B12- a vitamin needed for healthy blood that is only found naturally in animal products. Vegetarians and vegans have to supplement their diets with B12.3 成人每日推荐摄入量为2毫克.4微克.7
  • Vitamin C- a vitamin essential to the healing process and maintaining the immune system. 3 Recommended daily intake is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women.7

  • Vitamin D- a vitamin that maintains bone health by absorbing minerals such as calcium 并在清除体内感染方面发挥作用.2 成人每日推荐摄入量为200国际单位.7

  • Vitamin E- an anti-oxidant vitamin that helps to form red blood cells and fight diseases 与衰老有关.5 成人每日推荐摄入量为15毫克.7

  • Vitamin K- a vitamin that aids in blood clotting and maintaining bone density.2 Recommended daily intake is 90 mcg for women and 120 mcg for men.7

  • Iron- a mineral that is an important part of red blood cells and plays a key role 在氧气在全身的分布中.3男性每日推荐摄入量为8毫克,女性为18毫克.7

  • Calcium- a mineral that supports the development and maintenance of strong healthy bones as well as the proper functioning of muscles, nerves and the heart.3 成人每日推荐摄入量为1000毫克.7

  • Zinc- a mineral that supports the immune system, maintains cell functioning, breaks down carbohydrates for energy and promotes the sense of smell and taste.5 男性每日推荐摄入量为11毫克,女性为8毫克.7

  • Magnesium-a mineral needed for muscle movement (contraction and relaxation), the release 能量,蛋白质和酶的产生.5 Recommended daily intake is 310 mg for women and 400 mg for men.7

  • Potassium- an electrolyte responsible for regulating the body's balance of acids and bases, creating protein and stimulating muscle development overall growth.5 建议每日摄入量为4700毫克.7

  • Folate/folic acid- a type of B vitamin necessary for using, synthesizing and breaking 降低血红细胞和DNA等蛋白质. 它是一个重要的组成部分 the body often deficient in young people, especially women who are pregnant or taking 口服避孕药. 建议每日摄入量为400-600微克. 5

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acid-  a form of polyunsaturated fat needed for controlling blood clotting, building cell membranes in the brain, preventing heart disease and stroke. 每日推荐 is one rich serving, such as a handful of walnuts, a tablespoon of canola oil or 3 oz. 鲑鱼.2

  • Omega 6 Fatty Acid- a form of polyunsaturated shown to decrease the negative LDL cholesterol 预防心脏病. 建议补充Omega-6的形式是 红花油、玉米油、棉籽油和大豆油.2 In a healthy diet, there should be a ratio of four omega-6 脂肪酸s to one omega-3 脂肪酸.6


***When it comes to nutrition facts, take everything with a grain of salt. 更多的是 important to have a balanced approach to eating than to get stuck on the exact amount 你所有食物中的卡路里或脂肪. 吃适量营养丰富的食物 foods even if they are a little higher in caloric value is better than eating a lot 低脂,低热量,没有营养价值的食物. 其实越低营养越好 dense food one consumes, the harder it becomes to get enough nutrients for your body 没有摄入过多的卡路里.1***