

Skidmore's Dana Science Center houses nine biology teaching laboratories and specialized research facilities in which students and 教师 investigate microbiology, molecular genetics, cell and developmental biology, animal physiology, plant biology, genetics, 生态学,进化和行为. 火博体育的400英亩 North Woods 作为校园自然实验室.


Gene Expression Gene Expression Microbiology Microbiology
Comparative Physiology Comparative Physiology 发展 Developmental Neurobiology
Molecular Ecology  Molecular Ecology  Community Ecology Community Ecology
昼夜 Circadian Rhythm  Microscopic Imaging Microscopic Imaging
Greenhouse Greenhouse  行为 Behavior and Ecology
North Woods North Woods    


Gene Expression实验室 State of the art laboratory includes quantitative RealTime PCR, Storm phosphoimaging with ImageQuant analysis, vertical gel electrophoresis, Zeiss Tetrad dissection microscope, UV/Vis spectrophotometer, heating/cooling growth chambers and -80°C freezer.

比较生理实验室- The comparative physiology laboratory consists of a dedicated 研究实验室oratory and accompanying animal facility for the rearing and spawning of multiple fish species (包括斑马鱼、鳉鱼、罗非鱼). 定量PCR机,凝胶电泳 equipment, a fluorescent dissecting microscope, a -80°C freezer, and other equipment supports physiological analyses ranging from the molecular to organismal levels.

Molecular Ecology实验室 - - - molecular ecology laboratory is equipped for analyses using single- and multi-locus probes and PCR in the investigation of parentage and population structure. 实验室 is supported by automated DNA sequencing capability and a dedicated ultra-low temperature 冷冻保存标本库.

Circadian Rhythm实验室 - - - Circadian Rhythm实验室 is equipped for automated monitoring and analysis of up to 64 rodents in running wheels under controlled photoperiods for circadian rhythm analysis, has facilities for rearing and automated recording of fruit fly locomotor activity, and Actiwatches 用于自动记录人类活动节奏.

Greenhouse - Skidmore's new greenhouse was created in 2019 to support teaching and research. It includes a large display room containing a variety of plant species, as well as independent experimental modules where temperature and humidity can be altered to 模拟特定的气候. The greenhouse also includes Biology's Community Ecology 研究实验室.

North Woods - Skidmore's on-site outdoor laboratory, the 400 acre North Woods , includes northeastern deciduous forest, wetlands, and old field succession at disturbed 网站. Skidmore's sustainability coordinator and two North Woods 可持续性 Stewards work to maintain trails, inform visitors, conduct public outreach and promote responsible 北森林社区的管理工作.

微生物实验室 - Adjustable temperature incubators in the microbiology laboratory support the isolation 以及各种细菌的培养. 实验室还配备了 genetically manipulate and analyze bacterial model organisms via PCR, transformation 和电泳.

Developmental Neurobiology实验室 - An 80-tank fish facility houses numerous transgenic, mutant and wild-type zebrafish. Two microinjection rigs allow injections at the one cell stage for gene knock down 实验. PCR machines, gel electrophoresis and other molecular biology equipment support mRNA expression studies through in situ hybridization. 几个孵化器 are used to culture zebrafish embryos and raise fry to adulthood

群落生态学实验室 - - - community ecology laboratory utilizes adjacent outdoor habitats, including the 400 wooded acres next to the college and the streams of the upper Hudson watershed.  We bring elements of these habitats indoors by using replicated indoor stream ecosystems, motion-sensitive infrared cameras, metabolism chambers and Skidmore's interdisciplinary 地理信息系统中心.

Microscopic Imaging设备 - Skidmore Microscopy Imaging Center (SMIC) comprised of five modern laboratories 在达纳科学中心 Lintilhac光学显微镜实验室 established with the a generous donation of the Crea Lintilhac '74 and Philip Lintilhac 基金会. It contains five microscopy work stations-Olympus BX63 light microscope, Olympus IX83 light microscope, Olympus BX-60 light microscope, Olympus IX-70 light 显微镜和奥林巴斯SZX-12光学显微镜; 共聚焦激光扫描显微镜实验室 maintains two confocal laser scanning microscopes: an Olympus Fluoview 1200 confocal supported by funding 来自国家科学基金会's Major Research Instrumentation Program, and an Olympus Fluoview 300 confocal supported by a grant from the Alden 信任的基础; 扫描电子显微镜实验室 includes a JEOL 6480LV SEM and FEI Field Emission SEM, both was purchased with funds 来自国家科学基金会. 透射电子显微镜实验室 currently maintains a Zeiss libra 120 plus TEM purchased in 2010 with support from a National Science 基金会-Major Research instrumentation grant. 了解更多 火博体育显微镜在Skidmore,请访问 火博体育学院Microscopic Imaging中心 (中芯国际)网站.

Behavior and Ecology实验室 行为al and ecological research utilizes habitats including Skidmore's North Woods, local farms, zoos and other animal care, exhibit and training facilities throughout the Northeast, and the cloud forest of Monteverde , Costa Rica. terraria水族馆, small aviaries and observation hives house fish, reptiles, finches and insects for 教学及室内实验调查.